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Together we work to make St Just a more beautiful place to live and visit

Archive for October, 2023

20th Anniversary and Awards Celebration Event 2023

Posted on: October 16th, 2023

2023 is St Just in Bloom’s 20th year and we wish to celebrate in style!

We will be hosting a celebration evening at St Just Old Town Hall and will be inviting as many members past and present; and numerous community groups and organisations that I have supported our work over the last 20 years.

We will also be handing out our annual awards for our Gardening, Painting and Photography competitions.

If you wish to attend, please RSVP to the group by November 1st either by our Facebook page or email committee@stjustinbloom.org.uk. 

We hope to see as many of you as possible!


Hear ye, Hear ye!

Posted on: October 15th, 2023

Here are our most recent Newsletters for this year so far.

So stick the kettle on, maybe enjoy a cheeky biscuit and catch up on all the efforts of the group!

SJIB newsletter September 2023 SJIB newsletter June 2023 SJIB newsletter March 2023


Summer summary!

Posted on: October 12th, 2023

So it’s been a little while, but as you can see, this summer has been super busy!

May gave us our main planting day, and as you can see we had a fantastic turnout of members and volunteers to share all the plants.

June brought 2 new planters into Bank Square, thanks to St Just Men’s Shed for creating it and what a fine addition they are! Our tiered planters also arrived to further adorn Bank Square.

July was judging month, with our RHS It’s Your Neighbourhood judging day, touring us around the town. This was followed by our own gardening competition, showcasing the horticultural delights of the town.