Hot off the presses is the new portfolio for 2017. Our latest portfolio can be downloaded from here in PDF format, please note that the file size is about 42 MB so it could take a while to download depending on the speed of your internet connection: St Just in Bloom Portfolio 2017 (42 MB)
We’ve also got this year’s Judges’ tour route (for the 19th July) available: St Just in Bloom Route 2017 (PDF, 600KB)
Plus the garden competition details are now available: St Just in Bloom Garden Competition 2017 (PDF, 1.3MB)
If you would like to enter the garden competition this year, be sure to download and print the above PDF, fill in the form and it return to: Wilkins & Co. Estate Agents, 1 Market Square, St Just, Penzance TR19 7HF
The closing date is Thursday, 20th July 2017. Good luck!