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Archive for the ‘About St Just in Bloom’ Category

St Just Area & St Just in Bloom 2016-17

Posted on: June 12th, 2017

A gallery showing the St Just community and surrounding area 2016-17.

Background to St Just in Bloom

Posted on: June 7th, 2008

In 2003 Penwith District Council achieved a magnificent seven awards for Britain in Bloom in neighbouring towns and villages and St. Just was conspicuous in its absence. A St. Just in Bloom Committee was formed to push forward St. Just’s first ever foray into the competition and was busy making plans to put England’s most westerly town on the floral map.

The first meeting was held at St. Just Comprehensive School on 18th November 2003. St. Just’s Primary and Secondary Schools joined the scheme and play a key role in the town’s involvement in the Britain in Bloom competition as they grow and propagate plants and flowers.

Work Programme

Posted on: June 7th, 2008
September Weeding and watering of flower beds.
  Walk around St Just to see if there are any areas that need planting or new tubs.
October Prune all shrubs and clear any Summer bedding.
  Plant tubs and beds for Winter and Spring. Weeding of all tubs and beds.
November Compost all beds, plant shrubs and bulbs and carry out weeding.
December Social events.
February Bulb planting and discuss colour scheme for Summer planting and bedding.
March Bedding plants from seed, weeding and tidying.
April Agree route for judges. Sort out bedding and plant out or add to any beds that need attention.
May Start weeding official route. Preparatory to weed killing.
  Send out forms for town competitions. Judges selected.
June Weed route. Agree official timetable for weed killing with council.
July Last minute tweaking, tidying and watering of plants.